Even a small amount of sweating can be unacceptable for some people. Botox is a fantastic treatment particularly for sweaty armpits during the summer and can negate the need for antiperspirants which leave marks on clothing. It can improve self-confidence particularly for those conscious of shaking hands with clammy palms.
Common treatment areas include:
- armpits,
- palms of hands,
- soles of feet and foreheads.
We can inject small amounts of botulinum toxin (Botox) just beneath the skin, very close to the sweat glands, which causes a significant reduction in sweating. This is a virtually painless procedure and the results are noticeable within a few days and usually lasts for 6-8 months.
If you find yourself:
- Avoiding physical contact, such as shaking hands, because you feel self-conscious about your sweating
- Spending a significant amount of time coping with sweating – for example, frequently showering and changing your clothes
- Avoiding taking part in activities, such as dancing or exercise, for fear it may make your sweating worse
- Socially withdrawn and self-conscious
- Being affected at your work – for example, you have difficulty holding tools or using a computer keyboard
- Being stressed everytime you give a public speech
If you suffer with any of the above, come in for a free consultation and Dr Boone will be happy to guide you through the procedure and answer any questions you may have. Please call the Highgrove clinic for a free consultation on 07793 076 153.
Dr Boone will be happy to guide you through the procedure and answer any questions you may have at the initial consultation.
Suggested treatment: